Hi! I’m Paul. I make my own comics for love and sometimes profit. I’m what you call an author-illustrator: I write, draw, color and et cetera the heck out of stories.

Currently I’m working on a kid-friendly graphic novel called ULTRASTELLAR. It’s about a boy named Trevor who’s having a hard time coping with changes after his father’s unexpected death. It’s also a portal fantasy, where Trevor starts in the real world, and then ends up stuck in another dimension! The Ultrastellar, “beyond the stars”, is a bizarre world full of strange encounters, where Trevor finds courage, adventure, community, and the strength to face his conflicts back home… if only he can find the way home!

Before ULTRASTELLAR, I made various self-published minicomics (such as EXIT AT THE AXIS, FOOL’S ERRAND, TALES OF OCTOBER, POWER MOVES, SALVAGER KAIN). I’ll post more about those stories in the future.

If you’d like to reach me, send an e-mail to the address below:

Thanks for checking out my work! Be well,

Paul Sloboda